Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorable Movies and Memorial Day

This picture is completely random and has nothing to do with my blog. Ashton is just 1 of the cutest kids ever (AKA D's son) and he just highlights my fear that my kids will be hideously ugly because everyone around me has gorgeous children. i.e. Ashton pictured above :)

First things first: Sex and the City 2 did not let me down. It was pure happiness for me! Was it as amazing as the first? Absolutely not, but there was no way that was going to happen, and I didn't expect that. Of course I laughed, I cried. It was awesome!
Speaking of movies, the movie Avatar and I have been playing this little cat and mouse game. I have refused to watch it, and it constantly haunts me via allusions and reference. Last night I finally gave in. Holy crap that movie is phenomenal! I may like vampires, but I am not a sci-fi kind of girl, but this movie pretty much rocked my world.
This Memorial Day weekend has consisted of countless hours of family and friend time. I did a little shopping and bought new patio furniture for my back deck. My house is obviously still a work in progress. My list seems to be growing longer and longer. Necessities needed: kitchen table, 2 bathroom light fixtures, bookshelves, doorknobs (because these tacky gold ones are driving me nuts,) and a hall tree (I didn't even know that's what these were called.) I try not to even drive by Lowe's because it has some sort of control over me, and I am tired of them taking all my money. I can remember hating going to Lowe's. What happened? Regardless, I am in no hurry and perfectly content with the way the crib is right now.
This weekend was also a holiday weekend because it was Fal's birthday. Celebrations were definitely in order. A day by the pool and a night out at Big Bang and Paradise Park was just what the birthday doctor ordered. Family time was yesterday and will also be today at the mom's. I am feeling very patriotic, blessed and appreciative this Memorial Day. I am extremely happy to be celebrating those that make me feel this way.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


It's been awhile so prepare for a doozy (oh yeah. it's a word. google it.) of a blog. Recent updates: #1. graduation was great. Emotional but great. Jordan got all of her hair cut off, so she looks more like me now. Just like old times. #2. last week of school=depressing b/c I get too attached. #3. got my tax return FINALLY. #4. Sex and the City 2 premiere is this week!
Further explanations follow:
I am now celebrating the end of the school year with my Literature counterpart Candy (calling her this is way more fun than her real name anyways.) Mexican food, episodes of The Big Bang Theory, along with each other and Jose's company is a pretty sweet closing of work for the next 2 months. We finished out the school year with students ALL day yesterday at Holiday World in Santa Claus, Indiana. Not a bad trip I must say. Holiday World is SO clean and economically pleasing. Stations with free drinks and free sunscreen AND lunch and dinner combined was only $10. The majority of us old folk were serious fans of the water park which is where we spent the majority of our time. I am sad to see these kids go on, and I have enjoyed them so much, but I am also happy for them to begin their high school journey.
Not only are they leaving but so am I. This time last year I was absolutely devastated to be leaving DCHS. I began my teaching career surrounded by teachers I had admired so much in high school. Not only are they great teachers, but they're even better colleagues and friends. Due to schedule changes and all the craziness that was the DC school system this year, I was placed at Dickson Middle School 8th grade Language Arts. I was determined to make the best of it. Little did I know it would introduce me to my "mammasita," a new best friend, and an amazing group of 8th grade kids. I have learned so much about myself as a person and a teacher. I know this year has made me better at being both. Basically lost my mind emotionally during lunch Monday when Candy gave me a notebook of letters (pictured above) that our kids wrote to me. Tear? Oh to say the least. She also made me a picture book from pictures throughout the year. Awesome.
3 years teaching=2 different schools and 3 different classes, so it's only natural that I will be heading back to the hill next year to teach 11th grade English. I'm a little nervous to say the least. I plan on spending the majority of my 2 week vacay at Rosemary Beach working on lesson plans and trying to be as prepared as possible. We'll see if that actually happens. Regardless of the stress involved, I feel like this is the best thing for me right now.

Absolutely obsessed with the new B.O.B and Hayley Williams (Paramore) song "Airplanes."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Random Wednesday

I have yet to completely grasp the fact that my oldest niece is graduating high school on Friday. Not flippin' possible. Jordan has been my mini-me since I was six. Now that she's gotten older, she doesn't look as much like me, but we definitely can't deny each other. Also, "mini-me" doesn't really apply anymore considering she's 5'11. She has been a volleyball and basketball star throughout high school, and I'm ridiculously proud to call her 1 of mine. Nevertheless, she is heading off to UT Martin in the fall, and I think I am taking it harder than her parents. I'm a sucker for tradition, so I'm excited for Jordo to make her walk down the hill. We will all be celebrating Friday pre-graduation ceremony as a family, the big family that we are of course. I'll be an emotional wreck pretty sure, but I'll manage.
Everyone around me is so tired of hearing me talk about Sex and the City 2 coming out, but I can hardly contain my excitement! The BFF and I watched movie numero uno last night, and it never disappoints no matter how many times I watch it. I laugh, I cry, it's a roller coaster of emotion, and I love it. I can't wait to see what's in store with #2. I will probably be one of "those people" that go to see it at midnight, and I'm not a bit ashamed. What can I say? A story of true, hardcore friendship and love gets me every time.
New obsession: an Amazon Kindle electronic reader. I did not buy the first model because it doesn't have a backlight. However, the newest model does have a backlight and is new and improved. Thousands and thousands of books, magazines, and newspapers downloading in 60 seconds right at my fingertips. It gives me chills. Me+my new Kindle+ the beach for 2 weeks= absolute perfection. The Kindle part=doubtful, but wishful thinking is a strong suit of mine. Why is it doubtful? See blog titled Miss. Independent.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Miss Independent

What an interesting thing independence is. I have had the very indifferent experience that is "independence" for the past 6 months now. I purchased my own house, which I love and am SO proud of. When I first moved into my house, D. was a jack of all trades and could pretty much take care of any task I deemed impossible. Examples: hanging new light fixtures, fixing a dishwasher, a storm door, and a water heater, etc. This was awesome and so appreciated, but it spoiled me a bit. As if I wasn't spoiled enough from living with my unbelievably amazing mother for the first 24 years of my life. To say that I was well taken care of is putting it lightly. My mother is the caretaker of all caretakers. I'm pretty sure that I don't have a domestic bone in my body contrary to my mother's continued support that it will all come in time. BUT that's another blog for another day. Anywho, I am now attempting to handle things around the homestead on my own. With the assistance of E., Fal, and KP of course. I singlehandedly assembled my tv stand, put it together, and equipped it with what was necessary for usage. That sounds like nothing to an ordinary, productive person, but to me, this was HUGE. The television came in the mail (b/c it was a WOOT DEAL it's a 1 deal a day website. Awesome. Also, check out if you're in the Nashville area. When you're a teacher, you depend on these things. Sorry told you I get off topic.) Long story short: We'll pretend like that's possible for me. The television had been sitting by the door, not in use for close to 2 weeks b/c I was afraid and NOT CONFIDENT at all about assembling, mounting and putting it to use. Was it a hard task? Not at all. Just intimidating to me because of my lack of craftsman skills. The point to my babbling is it's super stressful taking on normal homeowner tasks when you've never had to deal with these mundane problems. Hence: a bluebird decides to build a nest in your dryer tube. What do you do? Apparently get it out IMMEDIATELY. On the bright side (shout out to Cr) it feels awesome once you have solved these problems and accomplished these tasks on your own. Or at least without the assistance of a male. Not that male assistance isn't wanted/needed sometimes, but as a girl, it's nice to do "manly" things solo. I've never wanted to be "that girl" that depends on a male for everything. Everything being happiness, survival, etc. I definitely can't say that I've NEVER been "that girl," but one day at a time is how I see it. I also definitely CANNOT say that I don't depend on other people for happiness b/c that would make me a liar. I most certainly depend on my family and friends for happiness. Extremely reliant on them. Regardless, paying the bills, working hard, and depending solely on yourself financially is difficult but definitely worth that accomplished feeling at the end of the day when you look around and know that all of it is yours. Well, yours and the banks. Even though I have had to give up a lot of my addictions: online shopping, spending hundreds of dollars on iTunes, new sunglasses and watches and purses every pay check, I do love this "Independent Woman" phenomenon I'm living. I'm also finally comfortable that I did not obtain my Mrs. degree from college. Disclaimer: I am so happy for those of my friends who are married and progressing in their lives. I'm merely stating that just because I'm not, doesn't mean I'm behind :) The American Dream is what you make of it for yourself. It's 2010. The stigma has been removed. 24 does NOT have to = married and pregnant.

"It's something about the kinda woman that wants you but don't need you." Ne-Yo is such a smart man.

Sidenote: Napoleon Dynamite NEVER gets old.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

On a balcony in summer air...

Attended the movies with close to 300 8th graders yesterday. Just in case anyone EVER thinks that's a good idea, DON'T. It was re-donkulous. Regardless of how stressful it was, it was a celebratory field trip. Explanation: 8th graders take a state TCAP Writing Assessment every year. This was one of the defining reasons why I was super stressed about being an 8th grade teacher. Dickson Middle has some of the best test scores in the state. Big shoes to fill? Absolutely. Long story short: for 2 straight months my kids and I worked our tails off to prepare for the Feb. test. To make a stressful situation 10 times worse, we were out for snow a full week before the test, and the test was rescheduled. Test taken. Fast forward 2 MONTHS, which was how long we had to wait for test scores. (Drum roll please........)

25 scores of 6 (the most EVER at DMS) 43 scores of 5, 49 scores of 4, and only 2 scores of 3. I'm never one to feel comfortable enough to toot my own horn, but seriously? Who would've thought? Definitely not me. So, toot toot. Whatev.
(Eventually I will get to the purpose of this babbling.)
Anywho, back to the movies. All students who made a 4,5,or 6 got to go to the movies. Hence, how I ended up there w/ the entire 8th grade. A teacher needed to be in every theatre for chaperoning purposes. Because of this, I ended up in "Letters to Juliet." Really? Lame. SPOILER ALERT-Regardless of the romantic comedy BS that made up this movie, there was a really nice historical basis that I, as an English teacher, especially appreciate. Really cool aspect of the movie: women flock to Verona, Italy to visit Juliet Capulet's (THE Juliet of "Romeo and Juliet") former estate so they can write letters to Juliet about love and lose. There are then a group of women dubbed Juliet's Secretaries that write all of these women a return letter from "Juliet." As if my need to go to Italy and the rest of Europe wasn't overpowering enough. I need some romantic European customs in my life to rid myself of my realist attitude.

"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I never saw true beauty till this night." -Romeo and Juliet

Friday, May 14, 2010

My Top 10 Obsessions at the Moment

#10. Coke Zero

#9. Holiday World. Explanation: we're taking our kids May 25th, and I LOVE amusement parks, so I am technically more excited than they are.

#8. Fossil watches. They're my drug of choice along with sunglasses. I need an intervention.

#7. The outdoor fire pit my bro recently constructed. It's small and inexpensive, but it has accounted for some good chats and good times. Unfortunately, it is at his house not mine.

#6. The J. Crew bathing suit shown. Need it in my life.

#5. MUSIC in general, but especially the following right now: Old school John Mayer (i.e. "Back to you," "Man on the Side," "Love Soon," and "Love Song for No one")
Angel Taylor (if you don't know her, iTunes her)
Lady Antebellum (I'm pretty sure their new CD was written for/about me)
The new Usher CD (don't judge.)

#4. The 11th grade English standards, which I will be eating, sleeping, and breathing until next Fall. 3 years of teaching=3 different classes/grades. Why would next year be any different?

#3. Since I have been teaching I have not had a ton of time for t.v. That has changed lately. The following shows and their characters have become a serious part of my life:
True Blood- don' That is a whole blog in itself
Parenthood- even though I feel like a middle-aged soccer mom for liking it, I can't help it. Good, quality entertainment.
American Idol-duh?
Mercy-gotta give props to KP for bringing this into my life. However, SUPER po'ed about the season finale last night.

#2. The Sookie Stackhouse novels, the books that True Blood is based on. OMG. They are such a guilty pleasure, but I'm a pushover anyways.

#1. So cliche, but I am a sucker for quality time w/ those who know and love me these days. Friends, fam, co-workers, etc. Instead of a lot of going out, friends and I have been spending quite a bit of down time together just chatting and sorting out our lives :) Good times. Love these people.

This blog is making me realize how unnecessarily wordy I am. My students must hate me.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The reason I teach...

Something a student of mine wrote:

What happens when I get mad.

Keep the anger flowing near like whiskey, liquor, and your beer. Take me down the beaten path. Try to destroy me with your wrath. Tie me up and shut me down. Through your doors my fists will pound. A psycho lonely and depressed. Till you're satisfied will not rest. Ever corresponding with evil's work. Around the corners your henchmen lirk. You can't defy the great I AM. Apologize as loudly as you can. Your time is coming, drawing near. Your "friends" conveniently disappear. Justice shall and has always prevailed. The land and even where I've sailed. Mighty thunder crashes in. He's now aware of all your sins. You hurt me once, can't do it again.

School appropriate? Not at all. This amazes me because I'm pretty sure I couldn't produce this at 24, and an 8th grader wrote this. I. LOVE. IT.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Rude Boy

So I was walking into a local department store today, and there was an older gentleman in front of me. As he opened the door to enter the store, I was digging in my purse for my cell phone while not paying a bit of attention. I assumed (incorrectly) that this gentleman would hold the door for me. However, I was wrong, and I basically ran head first into the door. Seriously?
To say that I am "old-fashion" is ridiculously far-fetched. On the other hand, I am a southern girl who appreciates the small things. I do not need car doors to be opened/closed, nor do I demand that meals always be paid for by males. However, I'm a huge fan of chivalry in the form of door opening. In other words, doors NOT slamming in my face.
I pride myself in passing this characteristic on to my 8th grade boys I teach. The only reason they do it is because I tell them that it impresses girls. Now that we're approaching the end of the year I LOVE seeing them be gentleman. Doing my small part to keep chivalry alive.

Day #3 of being out of school due to flood waters. Still CANNOT believe this has happened.

Monday, May 3, 2010


I have been an interested follower of this concept "blogging" for quite sometime now. However, a few things have stopped me from participating. The main thing being my life is absolutely amazing but not exactly enthralling enough to "follow." I also see myself moving from rambling orally to rambling on the keyboard (examples of this can easily be found later in this post and all others.) Another main concern is I am not near as witty as my BFF counterparts. Regardless of these things though I am a HUGE fan of journals, diaries, etc. I have been making "Dear Diary..." entries since I could write. Hence the Hello Kitty "Book o' Truths" from when I was 5. Absolutely hilarious.

Anywho, the deciding factor came due to an unexpected day off from work. Now don't be fooled. There are PLENTY of things I could be doing at this very moment. Examples: cleaning, lesson plans, laundry, washing my disgusting car, grocery shopping, dishes, oh the list could go on and on and on. The way I see it, I now officially have 24 years of procrastinating. Why stop now? I like being good at things, and I am OH SO good at procrastinating. Since I have mastered this art, I figure why not keep track of this life of mine via blogging? Might be nice to look back on in years to come.

No one should feel at all obligated to be a follower of mine. I will ramble. I will get off topic and lose focus. I am an English teacher, yet I don't use complete sentences sometimes. All of this is not low self-esteem. It's just the facts. I predict a healthy relationship between me and blogging :)

Synopsis of life: new home owner. 8th grade language arts teacher. soccer coach. auntie. social butterfly in training.