Thursday, July 8, 2010

Just do it.

Dear LeBron James,

Just pick a damn team already! You're pretty and all, but I'm sick and tired of hearing about you. I really did like and appreciate your talent up until the past month. When I watch Sportscenter I naturally expect to see 3 seconds about World Cup action and then the other 59 minutes and 57 seconds is devoted to you and your every waking move and the tough decision of which team you're going to accept a bajillion dollars from, but seriously?! I don't care what you had for lunch or that you played a pick-up softball game last night. And national news coverage? I'm really more interested in the nationwide disaster of spreading oil in the Gulf instead of whether or not you're staying in Cleveland. Call me lame b/c I'm not a huge NBA fan, but I'm really kind of over it. No disrespect man, and I would be honored if you randomly for no good reason or good money came to Memphis. Way to go with that whole straight out of high school thing too.

Ashlee Jennings